I’d like to start by applauding you, yes you (don’t look surprised). I’m applauding you because you by some miracle have had enough patience to even read this current string of words (yup, this one right here, and this one, and this… you get the point). I’m applauding you because with the social conditioning present around us, we should (by their calculations) have the attention span of a dog.
For example ask yourself how long are commercials? How long are YouTube videos? How long are regular blog posts? Do you think that all these things by some chance just happened to take up less than five minutes of your time? If you do, then you need to dig deeper into the matrix that you live in. Because, (here’s the shocker) big businesses (like Google & YouTube) have conducted “surveys” and “experiments” and have deducted that you (yes you as an individual) have the attention span of a dog and/or cockroach, pick the one that sounds nicer to you, makes no difference because the matter of the fact is that they DON’T think you have the attention span of a HUMAN, which you are… hopefully (if not, send me your pictures, I won’t send them to the government for big sums of cash… promise :)).
YouTube sends memos to all it’s partners informing them to not go over 5 – 10 minutes. Commercials become so straight forwardly simply and quick they basically all say “BUY OUR SHIT!” Blog posts become so simple they resemble Twitter posts. Reality television shows show people coming from “poor” to “rich as fuck” in one hour. Movies show people’s lifetimes in less than two hours.
And in all this do you know where we, as humans, end up? With us losing our sense of patience.
Our minds are constantly told “quick riches, quick fixes, quick, quick, quick” that anything not QUICK just doesn’t make the cut. Anything worthwhile, such as a long and loving relationship, a fulfilling career, HARD WORK AND PERSISTENCE is thrown out the window.
We become so impatient that when we see a book we “wait for the movie to come out”. We become so impatience that the moment you have that fight with your loved one, you instantly hit the break-up/divorce button. We become so impatient that movies and lottery sales are at an all time high. And maybe the worst of all, we become so impatient that we don’t have time to spend with our children/parents/friends/family even for an hour a day.
What we are never told by these big companies is that that 1:30 hour movie you just saw took over 5 years to film; that that thought provoking but only 5 minutes long YouTube video that has over 10 million views took hours to think of, hours to implement, hours to film and edit, and hours to market; or shown that all those “instant-stars” actually spent many sleepless nights up promoting themselves and what they do/did in order to get to where they are.
We are constantly shown the magic trick, and not the wires, that we take the act for the real thing.
We need to realize that in order for us to become the people we want to be, the people who one day others look up to, we will need a lot of PATIENCE. And in our current times, we have to realize that our generation will have the hardest time keeping it (compare it to virginity in the 70s, very easy to lose). We have to realize that if we don’t (re)acquire our lost patience we will be the most failed generation of them all.
But, as I said, applaud yourself, because if you have taken the necessary time needed to read this whole post, then you have just proven to the world, that you DO NOT have the attention span of a dung-beetle. You have just proved the world wrong. You have just silently told all those big corporations FUCK YOU, and for that I applaud you.