It’s important to protect the innocence of children because when children lose their innocence too young it does more harm than good.
Try to imagine yourself as a newborn being raised by good parents. Right now, and for a couple of months, you’re in a crib, it means the world the you, it is the world to you; it’s wonderful and roomy (and so many toys!). One day, after you’ve seriously explored that loveable crib of yours, you notice life beyond the crib, and you try your hardest to leave the crib which now looks small and confined. Your parents (thinking to themselves, “it’s time”) let you out of the crib, only after making sure that nothing around you can hurt you; they get you a bed with guard rails close to the floor, they babyproof the entire house (if they haven’t already done so), and they make sure one of them always knows where you are. You don’t really notice all of this though, because you’re now completely busy with exploring this humongous world called home; you’re crawling everywhere, exploring every nook and cranny you can reach, and you bump into things now and again that hurt but nothing too major.
Pretty soon you’re standing on your own two feet, walking, and your parents start to slowly un-babyproof the house. One day you look out of a house window and notice the yard, and you make up your mind that you have to play there, the house is too small. Your parents, seeing you’re ready for it, let you play in the yard, as long as the fence gate is closed and locked. A couple moments later (days, months, or years), the yard starts boring you and you tell your mom and dad that you want to play with the other kids, beyond the fence and gate. So your parents take you to the park and watch you as you play, and eventually they start trusting you enough to play on your own.
And things develop as so indefinitely; as your parents see and trust that you can handle more and more of the world, they open more and more of the world to you.
The crib, house, and yard mark your intellectual grasp of the world. Continue Reading →