All posts in prose


A lot of people think that because I’m one of the nicest and happiest people they’ve generally run across in real life that I am in essence kind-hearted. I’m not, really. Life is war, and I’m not in any way better than the next person over; I’m just a rebel. A renegade. A defector. A deserter.

I was born in genuine wartime, in genocide, I’ve got scars as old and as deep as me, there’s no way I can be the common definition of “kind.” I’m kind simply because I’m a rebel who sticks to his principles.

See, unconditional love is the only way I know how to give society, and life in general, the middle finger. It’s the only thing that doesn’t make sense in this world, and so it’s the only real revolution. To quote WarGames, “The only winning move is to not play.”

To reiterate the point, I grew up amongst gangsters as well, there’s no way I can be the common definition of kind. The lesson I took away was that real gangsters don’t fear nothing from no one. I just simply realized that all unkind actions are based in fear of a future possibility of something bad happening. So what and who’s there to be unkind to if you don’t hold fear in your heart?

I mix with all types, and I haven’t gone one day of my life without laughter. How about you?

I’m on that #GloryChildFlow. How about you?

The Simple Mathematics Of Hate

Sometimes you get on people’s bad sides permanently just because you’re not what they expected you to be. Because you’re more than anything that can be simply summed up.

Simple mathematics, consciously or subconsciously, they hate being wrong. And your very being, your very presence, is a constant reminder of that.

#KeepOnKeepingOn #ForwardAlways

This Had To Be Written

I don’t really do deep, honest, heartfelt conversations.

They rarely happen in “real” life. Especially when people ask for them. In almost all occasions people in a conversation are testing each other. On their knowledge, morality, successes, failures, &c.. Conversations are a battle-field in which the general mindset of both sides is, “What can you do for me?” And that mindset isn’t wrong, the world is a harsh place and ain’t none of us got time for anything but our lives and the people in it. The battle-field is necessary.

I’ve found that people are only ever truly honest when they’re alone by themselves. This is why I write and love reading. I get to reach and understand people when I and they’re at their most honest self. Diaries are honest. I also like sharing a lot of my work after midnight for the same reason – because it’s a time when people are alone with themselves.

Honest conversation rarely happens in life. So rarely it’s best to say it never happens at all. I’ve found that the best thing to do (as a response to the world) is to be stupid, and occasionally play the devil’s advocate. You learn a lot about people by putting yourself beneath their contempt. It’s the only honest thing about them sometimes. Most times.

But people don’t like playing the fool, let alone embodying them. Pride I guess. Leads to a lot of missed lessons if you ask me. But what do I know, I don’t really do conversations.

My Religion Or Science?

You don’t have to pick between religion or science. There’s a difference between a religious education and a scientific one. One lets you navigate the world, and one lets you understand it.

Navigate life’s seas by the compass—religion—you deem best for yourself. You can even choose to sail without a compass. It’s up to you. But it’s always helpful to know why the sea’s acting the way it is.

It’ll take you a lot longer to understand why the sea—life—is acting the way it is than it will for you to understand how to navigate it. In fact, you’ll never truly understand it. So I suppose it all comes down to whether or not you want to understand how life works exactly, or whether you want to know how to move through it safely, happily, and assuredly. No wrong choices. You can even have both educations. Or none.


How Being Black In Canada Differs From Being Black In The US

*Born in Rwanda, flew to Los Angeles, grew up in Texas, Georgia, and very very briefly New York, before I moved to Toronto, Canada to become a proud citizen.

Being black in the US more or less means that you’re African-American. And being black in Canada means that you’re just another immigrant, like everyone else in Canada.

If you’re black in the US there’s a general feeling of camaraderie against a common foe. Some attribute this to African-Americans not knowing where in Africa they’re truly from. And so you get this mish-mashed group of dark-skinned peoples banding together for a common cause like orphans realizing that you can make a family with the people around you. This creates a great solidarity amongst African-Americans, but you’ve also got to realize that lands that create orphans in the first place aren’t that great.

In Canada black people know their origins.

Western Canada has a lot of Continue Reading →

You Can’t Trust Everything You Hear, Everything You See, And You

Kinda fascinating how all new forms of mass-communication seem to be quickly followed by the distrust of that form of communication.

Not so because we as people distrust the form of communication itself, but because we distrust the common everyday person using it.

With the invention of language came along the thought, then the saying, then the life lesson, “You can’t trust everything you hear.” You can’t trust everything you hear not because you can’t trust what you’re hearing, but because you can’t always trust who’s editing the form of communication, language, to pass along false information. You can’t trust words blindly because people can easily make-up false words with their minds.

Now with the coming of the easily-edited image and body comes along today’s culture where everyone also holds the base belief, “You can’t trust everything you see.”

Wonder which of our next senses we’ll distrust next.

My money’s on smell. It’s a very marketable sense (cologne, perfume). It’ll be cool to see what sort of world develops from everyone being able to edit any smell as easily as we do images today. Going to have to start distrusting the smell of coffee brewing in the morning and of cookies fresh out the oven when I’m old and senile because of some damn marketers.

A Negative Consequence of World Peace

The moment we’re born we intellectually absorb the world around us. We have no choice but to.

We learn our nation’s languages, we’re indoctrinated into our parents’ religions, we dress like our friends, think like our teachers, and go about our day like the people around us. Everything we do is derivative.

Thus the question arises, where on Earth can originality be found?

The answer’s simple – originality can be found in environments uninfluenced by ordinary thinking. And originality can be found in people who’ve been raised on ideas different from everyone else’s. Originality hinges not on what it is, but on what it’s not – it’s not like everything else. Thus once world peace is attained we have a problem.

“World peace,” on its surface, simply means that the people of the world have agreed to live together peacefully. Scratch the surface and it also means that the people of the world have a means of global communication.

By being completely globally connected, and peacefully at that, we will actually be too well connected to each other to come up with any original ideas, ever. All connected, everything will be affected by everything else. Every idea will be derivative of another, echoic of the whole, and plagiarized. It won’t have a choice but to be. Just look at the disappearance of specific genres in music.

Once we attain world peace original thinking will die out. World peace might be better though.

Top 5 Most Useful Languages To Learn

  1. English. English is the universal language so that’s necessary.
  2. The language of the people around you. Always take into account where you’re at – lots of people speak Arabic, Hindi, and Russian, but if you’re living and/or working in Rwanda and learn any of those before Kinyarwanda you’re an idiot.
  3. The language of people who are never going to learn either. If you’re an English speaker it’s not useful or efficient that you learn Spanish or French like most people think, the fact is that most French and Spanish speaking people are already doing the hard work of communication for you from the other way ’round by learning English.
    1. Language learning is about one-point communication. If you can speak to someone in any one language proficiently you’re mostly wasting time by learning how to speak to them again in another language. Move on, learn how to speak with people you cannot communicate with at all, don’t waste time reinventing the wheel.
  4. The language of people you greatly respect and desire respect from. Most people learn a language outside of their own simply because they’re immensely interested in its associated culture; you’ll run into a lot of people that learn Mandarin because they find Chinese history and literature fascinating, people who learn Italian because they love the food and find Italian women beautiful beyond compare, and people who learn Esperanto because they’re language nerds – for all the reasons that people learn a language outside of utility, they’re learning it as a form of respect. Continue Reading →

The Longest Novel Ever Written

Most of the longest novels I’ve ever read were written by regular people in their spare time. Not well-known authors, just random regular people you run across online who post their works for free.

For example, on the Western half of the world, Continue Reading →

Why Ayn Rand Was Wrong

Somewhat quoting Frederick Burnham, “Foremost, she holds a complacent belief in the unending plenty of our natural wealth.”

By this I mean she holds a smug belief that the limits of Man, as self/creator/thinker, are nonexistent and good and positively bountiful (‘positively’ loosely defined by her as ‘positive,’ which is vague and leaves it up to her to define the terms however she wishes, which she does). And that Man has all right to do whatever they wish and can, a limitless perspective, in/with/and to the world. A world which is strictly limited (limitless is impossible).

She smugly thinks the world’s resources are limitless and to thus be used by those who are limitless; this is a false belief stacked on top of another false belief. Picture a being who believes the building/ business they create is so grand and positive to the overall picture that deforestation, genocide, pollution, &c. are all just and necessary and in a sense reversible.

That’s why a lot of people liken her to a sociopath. That’s why she’s wrong.