All posts in prose

Zombies Exist?!? Does Proper Output Equal Understanding?

Yes, it’s true, zombies [might] exist, and so might highly advanced humanoid robots; it’s a really thought provoking thing to think about… if you think about it. See, someone once said that if people turned into zombies, or were replaced by humanoid robots, we wouldn’t be able recognize it. Why? Because they would do everything a normal person would. They would speak when spoken to, hold a proper conversation, get angry, sad, and happy when necessary and do the everyday common things like eating, sleeping, etc.

But, the difference is that they wouldn’t understand what they are doing. They would just be intelligent enough to give you the proper/desired output when you provided the proper input. They wouldn’t be able to understand why “1 + 1 = 2”, but when asked what 1 + 1 equals, they would tell you 2. When they see a red light they would stop, yellow- slow down, and green- keep on going, but they wouldn’t be able to actually know why they are doing it, they would, as said, just be giving you the proper/desired output. Continue Reading →

“I Sleep Two Hours Per Day”- Week Two

GOAL : 14 hours sleep per week

PROGRESS: 14.5 hours sleep this week

This week turned out to be much better than last week. Although, if you take into account the first few days in, you would have never noticed. If you saw my Twitter updates you would have noticed that I went through a rough patch where I felt like “screeching monkeys were in my head having a loudest screeching monkey contest”… basically ONE BIG HEADACHE. Due to this I overslept two of my first naps by 15 minutes adding 30 more minutes to my goal of 14 hours. My only times oversleeping. I kept going though, and life got better. Noting my earlier progress from week one, I can say I fixed most of the mistakes I had. For example:

  • I no longer sleep on beds

This was weird at first, but I got used to it. Stupid mistake I made the first few times was sleeping on my arm. After waking up I always felt like blood had rushed to them. I can describe to you the fun I had in turning off alarms while feeling as if my arms were balloons, but I won’t. Continue Reading →

Ubervegan Lifestyle Update #2: The Setting Of A Habit

December was the best month I’ve had so far. I also discovered how to use fingered citron (pictured above) to make salads taste better, which was… an experience in itself.

Here’s the list of things I ate outside of the diet/lifestyle; Continue Reading →

10 NONFICTIONAL books that will f**k up your reality (and make you smarter).

Earlier I listed my “top 10 fictional books” and I promised I’d post the list with my “top 10 nonfictional books”. So, here I am, keeping my promise (I’m a bit late). The books here are a mix of “face reality” , “thought provoking”, and “do better in life” books, which I’m all for.

Quick word- The fictional books were the books that opened up my eyes and let me see these nonfictional books, which are loaded with much more amazing info due to it being true. But, both lists are dire to the shaping of who I am today and I’m thankful I read them all. Without further ado, I will shut up, and just list them already:

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“I Sleep Two Hours Per Day”- Week One

GOAL : 14 hours sleep per week

PROGRESS: 22.5 hours sleep this week

Yup, I slept 8.5 hours more than what I wanted. But to make myself feel better I deducted that that comes down to 3.21428571 hours of sleep per day this week. Which if you think about it is better than all but two of the schedules (Uberman, and this one, Dymaxion). I’m not going to stop aiming for that two hours though. In fact I could have made it if it wasn’t for a few mistakes…

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Has Our Freedom To Be Sexual Turned To Pressure To Be Sexual?

Everything around us in our current culture seems to in one way or another to talk, hint, and scream sex. And probably mostly due to this we have changed into a more sexually liberal society. Which isn’t bad; we have shown today’s youth that it’s not wrong to have “such feelings” and that they are “natural”. We have shown today’s youth that we are available to not only answer their questions on life, love, etc. but on sex too. For example, parents today have shown their young that they are willing to talk about these subjects, because they’d rather they talk to them, that go out and do something stupid because they were uninformed.

Speaking of informing, here’s a thought provoking fact for you: “95% of Americans have premarital sex; 95% of American’s have been having premarital sex since the 1940s. There’s been no change.” But wait, if that’s true for both now and the 1940s , what’s the difference between our cultures? Continue Reading →

“I Sleep Two Hours Per Day”- Intro



It seems as if I have once again decided to inflict more harm (self-discipline really) onto myself in the name of I-dunno-what (something provocative). I’ve decided that on top of being Ubervegan I’m going to be sleeping two hours a day. Yup, TWO HOURS A DAY, for at least three months (aiming for a full year).

Now, you may be wondering just how the f**k I’m going to live on two hours sleep per day for three months. The answer is simple really: through polyphasic sleeping. See “normal” people (referring to the majority) practice what is known as monophasic sleeping which more or less means “sleeping one time per day”. From this you can deduct that “biphasic” sleepers sleep twice per day, “triphasic” thrice per day, and “polyphasic” more than thrice.

Polyphasic sleepers usually go through five phases (the humor comes from realizing that they resemble the five stages of grief):

  1. Pre-polyphasic phase (denial)- The soon to be polyphasic sleeper is extremely excited about final getting to master time and space, they “knew something like this HAD to exist”. Imagining all the things they will do with their new found extra time their blood pressure continues to rise.
  2. Infected-pre-zombie phase (anger)- The polyphasic sleeper has began their nap schedules, was doing fine, but is now feeling the effects of sleep deprivation arriving.
  3. Changing-into-zombie phase (bargaining)- the polyphasic sleeper now starts to desperately try everything to stay awake (picture someone chugging a whole case of red bull), even though they realize that things are slowly getting worse and worse.
  4. Zombie phase (depression)- The polyphasic sleeper is now defeated. Now resembling a zombie (drooping arms/shoulders, slow paced, bloodshot/puffy eyes, murmured speech, etc.) they are drained of all energy and are only waking up from their naps by pure instinct.
  5. Defeat phase (acceptance)- The polyphasic sleeper now believes that everything they read/heard was a lie, they “knew nobody could live on two hours of sleep per day”, and soon accept that they need sleep. They now proceed to take that 8-24 hour nap they’ve been desperately craving for.

…Wait, what? The outcome is a failure? Why the f**k do this then? Are you a masochist now Arsène? Continue Reading →

The Real Meaning Of Christmas; Seeing Through The Bullshit

Thought Provoking: dancePROOF- christmas bullshit lie

Just in time for the Holidays right? Well, barely. But I couldn’t let Christmas pass me by without posting at least one thing about it. Especially if it’s something thought provoking :).

See, as more and more people added a “Christmas-y” theme to their websites and (as the picture above proves) literary SELL Christmas I get all these questions popping up in my head. Like, why the hell is Christmas season the best season for ALL retailers?

Don’t get me wrong, I support the charities, I support the shelters, and I support anything that helps another human being suffer less. But I just don’t see why Christmas account for practically HALF the income of all retail stores.

Uhmm… Wasn’t Christmas about family? Wasn’t it more about spending time together rather than “let me buy you all this crap because I feel bad about the fact that we don’t spend time together all year round like we should”.

Well… surprisingly “Christmas” in it’s purest form wasn’t about family and love. It was about PARTYING! Yes, PARTYING!

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Ubervegan Lifestyle Update #1: Abuse Taken Too Far

Thought Provoking: dancePROOF- vegan vegetarian ubervegan

I know a lot of y’all have been waiting for this; MY UBERVEGAN UPDATE (the crowd cheers)! It’s been so long since my last update (about two months ago) and a lot of things have happened in the meantime though. I might as well start from the beginning.

One of the first things that I did after the last update was that I coined the term “ubervegan” (yup, I know, it’s a little self-obsessed but if more people decide to become healthier and practice this I want to at least get credit for being one of the first people on the diet). Continue Reading →

Brains, Vats, And Skeptics: The ‘Reality’ Question Revisited

I wonder if a people took the time to let The Matrix movie sink in, or if they just agreed with it, agreed it was thought provoking, and took it for what it was in it’s simplest form, just a movie. Most people don’t know that the whole modern “brain in a vat” question actually originated from an amazing philosopher named Hilary Putnam (a skeptic’s skeptic if I had to label him). And, of course the movie brought forth a lot of questions; A LOT. But, The main question of “Are we just brains in vats connected to computers?” is what I’d like to focus on.

So…. Are we just experiencing what these super computers projects upon us and labeling it “reality”? Are we just brains in vats connected to computers? Continue Reading →