All posts in poetry

victory, and victory!

laughing is the only way to get back at the universe

because it can’t understand why
you would
make pies just to throw them
make pies just to throw them,

it hears your grumbling stomach
and knows
only of survival

because it has never
faced itself
because, of it’s pride
it’s upturned chin

it won’t understand why

some father out there with the right idea
is telling his child again, listen

the school bully never picks on the crazy kids twice

you win

funny how, lennon’s still a john through all that jazz juning

mama, i’ve seen a shy man play a mean guitar

i’ve seen him play oh my god!
like he’s met the devil
his father had a biblical name
like he was made to perform

can you believe it
he looks just like the man you said would save me

so speaks a creature (one of many)

the only way you will listen
to me
is if
you love me

so first
you will
love me

I will
for that

I will

the elements
all elements
and I will
make you

you who love me
love me

beautiful flower

I will

to you

for you, about you

brief exposures of now imprisoned men

#5304 067734

oh, the pleasure i get from knowing
that hell too must open its lips
to take me in

how i’ve masturbated!
to the thought of eyes bulging
surprised— at how big i am
#0804 065304

when i was fourteen i discovered biggie
the sex pistols and prince
i knew what every women wanted
and i fantasized about stripping

i’d heard you’d get to swing your dick
all day
that you’d how’s your mother? men your father’s age
and that didn’t sound half-bad to me
#3704 060804

guys, don’t have sex outside!
you’ll pull out in time

your cum will hit the ground
and you’ll know exactly
where it’s headed
and where it’s not

and you’ll smile
at having gotten away with it

and i swear you’ll try it again
#7734 513704

the best feeling in the world precedes the question

you give someone a book
an album, a movie (a part of you
that you hold dearly)
and you watch as their eyes water
and grow
embodying wonderment and grandeur
as their head moves along
taking it all in
and then, done, the question comes, and you too

william james sidis

it’s the pause after
the question’s asked
that eventually kills you

the whole room turning its head

a couple of definitions

to enjoy something means ‘to be in Joy’

     ex.  a man feeds a baby ice-cream
            and the baby’s eyes croon of her being in Joy;
            dancing, for all of two seconds, in front of this man

     ex.  a baby sees ice-cream fall on a man’s shoes
            and her self-given round-of-applause speaks of her
            accomplishment and enjoyment, and the whole
            damn restaurant turns its head to see what the fuss is about

to be enthusiastic means ‘to be filled with God’

     ex.  a baby sees a man getting up
            and still full (filled) she raises her hands
            demanding he come back, and let her dance atop his feet again

hear I Am

the next time someone asks me
                                          who are you?

i’m going to tell them
                                          I Am
                                          twenty-two years’
                                          stockpile of seconds

                                          AND THEN SOME!
                                          standing before you

i can picture it now
they’ll take me for mad
or romantic
when i’m neither
but i’m still going to say it
                                          I Am
                                          twenty-two, and alive

and i don’t care if you mistake
the sound of snow rolling
down the mountain for danger
or youth

forgive me

William Kentridge, Flagellant (1996-7)

William Kentridge, Flagellant (1996-7)

i write this while i’m in the mood of writing.

i’ve not yet learned how to face the void (myself)
when i’m not in the mood.

i’ve tried though, so forgive me. and!
i’ll try again, tomorrow, i swear.

a study of delicacy

Two Fingers Meaning French English Longbowman Peace Hippy 1
Two Fingers Meaning French English Longbowman Peace Hippy 2

what eyes you have (piece two)

Ulam Cloth (Marilyn Monroe)
Ulam Cloth (Noomi Rapace)
Ulam Cloth (Marion Cotillard)
Ulam Cloth (Tilda Swinton)